Shadow Gods

Saturday, January 10, 2004

I do not have day to day contact with kids. So they really surprise me whenever they do one of those weird things they do. When I was a kid, I was very fond of drawing houses. A big square, with two square eyes for windows, a rectangle mouth for the door and a parallel lined body for stairs. Without fail, I looked at the picture and added a double crossed hat for the antenna. Yesterday, a coworker's two daughters were really bored at work, so I pull out two pens and a legal pad for them to draw. At first they doodle around until I suggest that bestselling hit: the house drawing. The eldest started more or less the same sketch I used to do. When she finished, she forgot the antenna. So I suggest she add an antenna. She draws a stick and a globe on top of it, looks up and says "Dish Network". I feel so old... Thank goodness the birds have kept their r shape.


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