It is weird to take up university again after almost ten years. Oh, yeah, I went into a master's and then took some drafting classes and guitar classes. Between you and me, the masters and those others were a joke. Now I am in this degree thing for the long run, because I fell in love with computers thanks to Matthew Broderick. I was in seventh grade and I read (yes, read, not saw) "War Games" by David Bischoff. This was the original screenplay for the Matthew Broderick movie vehicle. It had lots of BASIC programming code and told the exciting life of a hacker, somebody who got away with things and got back at the world even though in real life he was something of a loser. That is one of those books that mark a dash in my psychological makeup timeline. Like the Mother Goose rhyme books, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Coral Island, Lost Souls, Seasons of Mist, The Crystal Shard, The Outsiders and lots more. Twenty years later, I still love computers and have an easy way with them even though I have only taken maybe three or four college classes about them (that's why I didn't finish electrical engineering, too many resistors and diodes but no programming).
Times change, though. Thank goodness my C++ teacher found it pertinent to start the course by defining software and hardware. I was scared by all this wireless, DVD+R, Palm Pilot, mobile, cell phone, USB port shit I get thrown at everytime I walk down aisle 5 at OfficeMax. In my days it was not commonplace for kids to walk around with picture-taking cell phones. With long reggae style fuschia pink braids and plucked eyebrows. I know next to nothing about the difference between hardcore punk and nu-metal. I don't know that Sean Paul is dancehall and could care less what the fuck emo is. It is daunting to see these kids that were in Kindergarten when I was a senior all around me in class. I am as freaked out as Crichton is when he finds himself in Moya surrounded by aliens. Anyways, even though it doesn't read like it, I am actually having lots of fun. The classes are super easy (I have taken 4 statistics classes, two of them master level, so Basic Statistics for Math is a breeze) and I am not distracted by youth. Experience is an asset, you know what is really important and you dish the rest. Though I don't think W Axl Rose has learnt that lesson yet.

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