Been silent, I know. Well, I promised I would stop talking about politics and suddenly all other sujects have escaped my mind. So I will get the encore out and write some political shit down.
Here in Puerto Rico, we still don't know who will be governor. We have our homegrown version of the hanging "chads", the mixed vote. Sometimes this special vote has been counted, others it has been annuled but it was not a mass problem up until this particular election. There are 26,000 mixed ballots. The difference between the two candidates is more or less 3,000 votes. There is no standard procedure whether to validate this vote or not. The instructions on the ballot are vague and can be interpreted two ways. The problem is that this issue has made the courts and therefore stalled the electoral counting process. Here is when things go awry:
Our "constitution" (Why the quotes? Well, a constitution is the Law from which all others are derived, but that is NOT the case in Puerto Rico. So our constitution is unconstitutional. But that is a very personal political rant, and we don't want that right now.) As I was saying: our "constitution" says, on one hand, that the actual governor must stay in place until the successor is certified. BUT: seven paragraphs later it says that if the election outcome is not decided by January 2, the elected Camera and Senate decide who will be governor. So what we have here is failure to draft a fucking coherent piece of shitty paper with clear instructions (again).The governor stays put until the elected governor is certified by the electoral commission and the Camera and Senate decide who is governor. What the fuck is that? And if push comes to shove, the US judicial system must dig their hand in because this particular contested ballot includes a federal position, the fucking impotent in-name-only resident commissioner. Oops, I just spoke out my mind.
Any way this decision swings will make things nasty for the next four years. The Dominican Republic sounds like a good place to live in right now. Look what you can buy for $60,000:
Here in Puerto Rico, we still don't know who will be governor. We have our homegrown version of the hanging "chads", the mixed vote. Sometimes this special vote has been counted, others it has been annuled but it was not a mass problem up until this particular election. There are 26,000 mixed ballots. The difference between the two candidates is more or less 3,000 votes. There is no standard procedure whether to validate this vote or not. The instructions on the ballot are vague and can be interpreted two ways. The problem is that this issue has made the courts and therefore stalled the electoral counting process. Here is when things go awry:
Our "constitution" (Why the quotes? Well, a constitution is the Law from which all others are derived, but that is NOT the case in Puerto Rico. So our constitution is unconstitutional. But that is a very personal political rant, and we don't want that right now.) As I was saying: our "constitution" says, on one hand, that the actual governor must stay in place until the successor is certified. BUT: seven paragraphs later it says that if the election outcome is not decided by January 2, the elected Camera and Senate decide who will be governor. So what we have here is failure to draft a fucking coherent piece of shitty paper with clear instructions (again).The governor stays put until the elected governor is certified by the electoral commission and the Camera and Senate decide who is governor. What the fuck is that? And if push comes to shove, the US judicial system must dig their hand in because this particular contested ballot includes a federal position, the fucking impotent in-name-only resident commissioner. Oops, I just spoke out my mind.
Any way this decision swings will make things nasty for the next four years. The Dominican Republic sounds like a good place to live in right now. Look what you can buy for $60,000:
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