Shadow Gods

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

As some of you know, it is that time in the Olympic cycle when I glue my butt to the seat in front of the TV and watch sports. The Olympics are one of those events that I look forward to. Or LOOKED forward to until now.
The opening was awesome, as I expected from Zhang Yimou, and no amount of downplaying (that it was lipsynched, or that parts were pre-recorded) will erase the awe and amazement I felt at all the pretty lights and explosions.
The USA athletes have always played a dominant part in the Olympics. It is a reality that I accept happily and had never bothered me, because there was always a sense that this was a world scale sports event. This time around, it does not feel like that. I am seeing minor events where the US is sure to win eclipsing important events taking place. I have seen gold medals go to other countries and the whole story revolving around the US tragic loss. I would not complain if I had options, but NBC has the Olympics by the balls. The American dudes, this time, are freaking ugly... I wanted to see more from Europe, don't make me wait until the World Championships.

Oh, I forgot: yes, the Chinese will eat anything...get over it, you NBC fuckers. If I see one more of your hosts grimacing while willingly trying out fried scorpions on a stick I will scream.

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  • Yup. I thought the Scorpion part was ridiculous too.
    Get over it, Alexei Nemov is not here anymore -sorry, that was not directed at you, I am venting my own frustration here.
    I'm all for Gymnastics and I really had it yesterday, no matter how much I admire the Karoly's coaching dinasty, for Martha to say that Alicia Sacramonte performed badly because she was delayed- duh- I rather hear them complain about the age of the Chinese team- not that it makes more sense!!!!
    Since NBC is all I've got and Gymnastics are all for the Chinese-well deserved, no doubt. I'll be all red when it comes to thumbling and red white blue and at the Phelps Cube!!!

    By Blogger L, at 9:51 PM  

  • And the thing is, it would have taken so little to make me happy: just substitute inspiring sport stories from around the world and stop paying attention to China's cuisine during prime time. I mean, few people know that Iran let some women compete in rowing. Now THAT would have been an excellent reporting vignette.

    By Blogger Maria, at 1:45 AM  

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