Shadow Gods

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Guitar classes are going good. The teacher is a little lazy with the time but the rest is fine.

I wrote a second story and posted it on a literary critique workshop. It has been read eleven times by five different people and reviewed only once. The review was not as bad as for the first story I posted there. The critic was uncomfortable with an acid trip sequence in the story. Apparently she was OK with a vagina dentata but not with other aspects of magic realism. A major influence in me is Salvador Dali. I almost worship the man. Everytime I have been barely proud of anything creative I do, there is some sort of surrealism. So there are things in this story that are not going to change. Also, a life lesson or "A POINT" is somewhat out of the scope of the particular piece I wrote.

Poppy Z. Brite was talking the other day about how she despised plot driving devices. Stories whose sole purpose was moving characters around doing things that get them to "THE POINT". I didn't understand her until I was asked what was the point of my story. My point: to scare you or revolt you. Better yet: both...


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