Shadow Gods

Friday, May 23, 2003

Let's see if the Heavy Metal Santa decides to grace us with his company tonight. Promises of free alcohol, abundance of women, and all the cheapest thrills only left us with a lukewarm: "Maybe, I will go tonight". He would have to bring his g-friend and to that he prefers staying home and instant chatting with his online headache. Who figures this one out? Tuesday we will go and see The Matrix, if he can bear to tear himself from his monitor, AGAIN. Why do I always dig the basket cases?

My online headache is fine, thanks for asking. Move along, there's nothing to see, move along.

Waiting to see if I get picked for the MTV casting. This time my chances are better because there were only 85 people who answered the call. Cross fingers.

Work still sucks.

Over, out.


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