Shadow Gods

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Tidbits of happenings from Horrorfind

1. John Urbancik throwing up in the car going sixty in a freeway.
2. Roger Range trying to force a diner into being a drive thru. (You usually don't step on the gas when parking)
3. Cullen Bunn with sparklers in his ears and huming techno dixieland jazz.
4. The eight foot tall demon ape that won the costume contest. Awesome, I was actually scared of it and didn't want to get close.
5. Me blushing intensely when Brian Keene introduced me to Edward Lee. I couldn't help it, but it helped me be memorable. Brian Keene commented: "I wish I had that kind of power over my fans".
6. Running around the parking lot with Kelly Laymon and Jen Orosel trying to tear off Roger Range's underwear without the benefit of taking off his jeans. He was giggling drunkenly and incontrollably.
7. Discovering that Mike Oliveri is a computer geek and genius but when confronted with a printed map, he is utterly useless. Plus you can end up in a whole different state.
8. Finding out the two things that make Coop all misty eyed. Collectible ($1,000) classic books and the idea of putting a helicopter engine on a motorcycle. (Alan Beatts of Borderlands Books, my idea of a really cool Irish guy, tried in vain to reason with him and clarify the obvious disastrous effects such a thing would have on a gravity afflicted person such as Coop. The only thing Coop replied was a whiny: "But it is unlimited horsepower!". So I am expecting to read an eulogy on Coop's site one of these days.
9. John Turi of Medium Rare Books told me: "You look so innocent and pure." I replied: "Don't fool yourself".
10. Mehitobel Wilson is awesome and cool. I also love the way she writes.
11. Learning to play Scrabble and putting an alien sex slut bend to it.
12. You don't fool around with Mikey Huyck's doo-rag. That is fucked up more than a football bat.
13. Spending a drunken dawn finding foods with g-y in them. Gravy, Yogurt.
14. Getting locked out three times out of my room. Everytime I was in dire need of going to sleep at 6 in the morning.
15. Seeing Elizabeth Monteleone shut up Coop during an argument with an out of nowhere: "Has anyone told you how cute you are?" I never dreamt to see Coop go red in the face and totally speechless.

So there it is, my con tidbits report. Really, you had to be there. It was even more fun in person.


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