Shadow Gods

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Surprise snail mail. A picture of Geoff Cooper and I at Horrorfind 3. Really neat. The story of this picture is as follows: I am sitting at the same table as Coop and Bel Wilson, in front of me there is this really cool metal dude called Kevin Nichols. He snaps the camera at us while we were talking. Coop and I then proceeded to pose for the camera (Bel Wilson has a fatal allergy to flash). After recovering from the blinding flash, I immediately asked him to email me a copy. He doesn't have a computer so I gave him my home address. I had given up hope that he would go through all the trouble of developing twins and mailing me one. Of course, he did. Which goes to show how most of the people at Horrorfind kick rock'n'rollin' ass.

*Later Edit: I removed the picture when the blog became public. Move along, nothing to see, move along...


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