Shadow Gods

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I never thought that I would be saying this during 2004, so here it goes: I love my job.

Even the bad pales in comparison (low wages, camera's batteries run out just when the person I need to interview arrives). All these years hating my guts for working at Copymax, feeling shame at the futility of spending 40 hours of my week pulling out staples and pressing the buttons on the copier until the numbers on the pads fade away because it has been six long years, and yes, I just noticed the counter's lacquered surface has worn away, but how can that happen so fast because it was just 1997 and I had a few spiky white hairs above my forehead but now people ask if it's some kind of birthmark, no it is not; girl! I will dye your hair for free because you are such a good friend, I wish you could be my friend too, but you see I already have my very dear friends and I have decided that I don't want any more because you are never going to live up to their example of what a good friend is.

Life is sad in general, but at least I really, really love my job...


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