Shadow Gods

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Had the most awful nightmare in a long time: Was in a grocery store shopping and suddenly everything goes dark. I dismiss it as a blackout, go to the cash register to pay and the guy tells me to take all the newspapers I want for free. I take one and leave the store, noticing the sky is also black. I look at my watch and it says that it is 9:30 am. As I am passing the firehouse I notice that the hill that overlooks Mayaguez, Cerro Las Mesas, is spewing dark gray ash clouds and there is a loud continuous rumble and hiss. I look at my house and see the whole neighborhood completely covered by orange and black running lava coming my way. I run towards the firehouse, sure that by getting to the top floor I will be safe. I start crying because I somehow know my mother made it to a safe place but she left the kitties and the dogs to be burnt alive. My feet feel heavy and the lava is getting near (why does the director of my nightmares always use these cliches, I tell you it is a total abuse of the slo-mo technique) In the time it takes me to reach the door of the firehouse, I have a cell phone conversation with the boyfriend who tells me that he is very sorry but can't come down because the roads are closed. He also tells me to be careful because he heard on the news that people are closing tall buildings so no one can get to them. I hang up and a fireman is putting a chain at the entrance of the stairs. I shout at him and he flees. When I get to the gate, the chain is padlocked and my feet start to burn. Then I woke up. It was a very nice and cozy feeling indeed.

I wonder about this, since there is no rational way to explain why volcanoes were on my mind. I almost never think of them and they don't interest me the way other natural disasters do. Weird.


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