Shadow Gods

Monday, July 11, 2005

So, as my boyfriend predicted, this happened yesterday:

Puerto Ricans voted to do away with half their lawmakers, endorsing a one-house legislature that supporters say would be cheaper and more efficient.

Final results from Sunday's referendum showed nearly 84 percent of voters endorsed the concept of replacing the state Senate and House of Representatives with a one-house, or unicameral, legislature.

Turnout was about 22 percent, extremely low by Puerto Rican standards.

Opponents of the change suggested the results may not be binding on lawmakers.

``If the electorate ignored this process, the legislature also should ignore it,'' said Thomas Rivera Schatz, secretary-general of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party, which controls both the Senate and House.

Complete news story here

And this is the democratic process we live in. You vote for something and they take into account the people who did not vote. (Of course, if bicamerality had won they would not have said the same thing). They were the ones who made possible this election and now they don't care about the results. I am not surprised since I saw it coming but I must admit it is galling to see how freshfaced they are about ignoring this. As they have been freshfaced over stealing the Senate presidency, about firing people from their own party if they don't back Pedro Rosselló and how Pedro Rosselló, Norma Burgos et al. backed the unicameral option but told people to stay home.

Like Gloria Baquero said, "The Puerto Rican people have lost the ability to get angry." Let's see if the same civil groups who backed this legislative reform, use the results in a judicial forum. I say: take it to a court (which will probably say that the law was not well written and not binding anyways).


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