Shadow Gods

Saturday, July 16, 2005

I had not commented on this: piece of Hawaii news because it is not my business. By all means if you want to kill a pest that happens to be a beloved symbol in Puerto Rico, well go ahead, it is your state after all. The thing is that reading the article and such heartbreaking accounts of mental exhaustion and disquiet has left me speechless and breathless from all the laughing. Some people can't handle the coquí, after all this time they haven't got used to it. I will have to consciously wait until tonight to hear it and try to understand the chaos. How do they handle crickets then? I find them more annoying but I ignore them. Oh well, could be genetic, this is what happens when you fuck up with nature. Heh.

P.S. Maybe Hawaiians should try whatever it is that we do that we have driven several of the coquí species into extinction just by being us. Or they can send them all back, we can handle them. Coquí!


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