Coming up for air
Woke up this morning to the terrible news that Steve Irwin died. I loved the guy, since behind his antics there seemed to be a genuine commitment to wild, misunderstood animals. Nutty, idealistic people have a special place in my heart. R.I.P. Croc Hunter.
Have been studying my ass off all August. I have four classes and just passed the GRE test.
The most difficult part of the GRE test was getting to the test center. I made a left in Albuquerque as I always do, passing by the test center with no entry lanes and going through an unkown highway for 20 minutes. On pure instinct I took an exit that said it went to my boyfriend's town and found myself on another highway that took me back to where I started. Did the right thing this time and got to the toll gate at Metro Office Park. The guard was new and didn't know in which of the eleven buildings the test center was. Her advice: drive around and ask someone. Heh, it was a Saturday, there was no one around. Finally, found the place on time and took the four hour test in 2.5 hours. The English was difficult, it is hard to find an analogy when you have never ever seen a word. Got 650 on verbal English and 720 on Quantitative Abilities.
My most demanding class is Movie History. We have to submit a proposal tomorrow for the silent film we are required to finish in October. The group is still undecided on whether to do Surreal or Noir. Noir is easier to achieve with lighting but historically it was a talking genre. If it is silent then it should lean more to German Expressionism and painting sets is going to suck. Surreal is flexible with the story line but all the ideas from the guys have been different versions of Run Lola Run, complete with electronic music. I wished the film we made had the viewer believe it was made in the early 1900's, not a 2006 reimagination of the silent film. At least, the original idea for the film was discarded: Charlie Chaplin does Nosferatu. Argh. Too many directors, too few production people. Myself included, since I have been pushing for the Bogey Bacall Big Sleep - Maltese Falcon concept.
Two more kittens were left near my house. Really beautiful twin calicos. This needs to stop.
Woke up this morning to the terrible news that Steve Irwin died. I loved the guy, since behind his antics there seemed to be a genuine commitment to wild, misunderstood animals. Nutty, idealistic people have a special place in my heart. R.I.P. Croc Hunter.
Have been studying my ass off all August. I have four classes and just passed the GRE test.
The most difficult part of the GRE test was getting to the test center. I made a left in Albuquerque as I always do, passing by the test center with no entry lanes and going through an unkown highway for 20 minutes. On pure instinct I took an exit that said it went to my boyfriend's town and found myself on another highway that took me back to where I started. Did the right thing this time and got to the toll gate at Metro Office Park. The guard was new and didn't know in which of the eleven buildings the test center was. Her advice: drive around and ask someone. Heh, it was a Saturday, there was no one around. Finally, found the place on time and took the four hour test in 2.5 hours. The English was difficult, it is hard to find an analogy when you have never ever seen a word. Got 650 on verbal English and 720 on Quantitative Abilities.
My most demanding class is Movie History. We have to submit a proposal tomorrow for the silent film we are required to finish in October. The group is still undecided on whether to do Surreal or Noir. Noir is easier to achieve with lighting but historically it was a talking genre. If it is silent then it should lean more to German Expressionism and painting sets is going to suck. Surreal is flexible with the story line but all the ideas from the guys have been different versions of Run Lola Run, complete with electronic music. I wished the film we made had the viewer believe it was made in the early 1900's, not a 2006 reimagination of the silent film. At least, the original idea for the film was discarded: Charlie Chaplin does Nosferatu. Argh. Too many directors, too few production people. Myself included, since I have been pushing for the Bogey Bacall Big Sleep - Maltese Falcon concept.
Two more kittens were left near my house. Really beautiful twin calicos. This needs to stop.
Shame about Croc Hunter, the guy was awesome.
Glad to know you found the place, and passed the test.(Aliens are at work, very hard, trying to stop you, but it is inevitable that you take over the world before they do)
Noir... pleeeease
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
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