Macondo: the dysfunctional location at the heart of Gabriel García Márquez "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and official nickname for Puerto Rico. Yeah, it is supposed to be a fictional Colombian town, but consider the following photographic evidence taken this morning:
Oh! I need gas, let's go to the Texaco, uh-oh what a long line:
Rats, the Texaco doesn't have gas so the line is even longer and farther away. (All these cars are in line for gas, the road was closed to all other traffic):
And then you realize you are competing with yet ANOTHER long line coming the other way:
Inside the station you fight it out with a tight, unruly, fatigued and belligerent clusterfuck of MORE cars:
When you finally get to your pump, wait until the gas station attendant explains to the four people in front that: NO, you are not special, you cannot fill your SUV tank, you get $10 worth , so beat it.
(The guy with the red container later boasted that he had filled it seven times by walking up to the pump without having to wait in line. The lucky intelligent bastard)
As a reward for reading so far, here is a somewhat cropped but cute anyways pic of a thirsty Red Pony:
The government has said that everything will be fine on Monday. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!
I passed by the gas station when I went to the mall... waited 5 minutes. Buahahahahah... Since I didn care I got it! Wheeeeeee!
Tanque lleno. O si, o si...
Vierna, at 12:00 AM
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