Last weekend Popu and I went to see "Constantine". I was bracing for the worst, but was genuinely surprised that the filmmakers actually did most of their assignment. A few fuck ups, including the casting of Keanu the simpleton mannequin as John Fuckin' Constantine, and the total character change for Chas. But the story was pretty close to the comics, there were few silly moments (the holy shotgun appeared but it was quick and almost painless). My boyfriend (and L also, it seems) were drooling over Lucifer. I wish there had been more bad ass angels, I have a soft spot for them, apart from "The Prophecy" series, Hollywood ignores them for the most part. All in all, I would see it again at the theater and I would buy it on DVD.
Been very happy, talking and whenever possible spending time with my boyfriend. It is sobering to know we are living one of those pivotal moments of life, and seeing it all happen in slow motion, almost unbeknownst to us. But I am watching and enjoying it, don't want to miss it for the world.
School is bleh, I even arrived one day to class and found out there was a test. No, it was not a nightmare, it was real. Anyways, I guess I will survive, we have an extra project now, so that increases my chances to do better (or worse, like the professor said). I have a test in two days, got bored of studying and am posting here and stalking my boyfriend online. (Not to worry, he likes it when I do that, just be careful where I install the homing device...)