Shadow Gods

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Stolen from Bel's livejournal:

You are Alice
You are Alice

The heroine of the Wonderland tales, you are filled
with curiosity and random inquiry.

What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Albert Rosenfield
You're Agent Albert Rosenfield, the snide and
superior forensics expert. Your tongue is
sharper than your scalpel, and it doesn't take
long for people to start hating you for your
supercilious quips, but you are the very best
at what you do. You don't suffer fools gladly,
but you give respect when it's due. In fact,
you're a good guy at heart, but so wedded to
your sarcasm that you can rarely stand to treat
people kindly.

Which Twin Peaks character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Last weekend Popu and I went to see "Constantine". I was bracing for the worst, but was genuinely surprised that the filmmakers actually did most of their assignment. A few fuck ups, including the casting of Keanu the simpleton mannequin as John Fuckin' Constantine, and the total character change for Chas. But the story was pretty close to the comics, there were few silly moments (the holy shotgun appeared but it was quick and almost painless). My boyfriend (and L also, it seems) were drooling over Lucifer. I wish there had been more bad ass angels, I have a soft spot for them, apart from "The Prophecy" series, Hollywood ignores them for the most part. All in all, I would see it again at the theater and I would buy it on DVD.

Been very happy, talking and whenever possible spending time with my boyfriend. It is sobering to know we are living one of those pivotal moments of life, and seeing it all happen in slow motion, almost unbeknownst to us. But I am watching and enjoying it, don't want to miss it for the world.

School is bleh, I even arrived one day to class and found out there was a test. No, it was not a nightmare, it was real. Anyways, I guess I will survive, we have an extra project now, so that increases my chances to do better (or worse, like the professor said). I have a test in two days, got bored of studying and am posting here and stalking my boyfriend online. (Not to worry, he likes it when I do that, just be careful where I install the homing device...)

Sunday, February 13, 2005

As I said before, I spent almost all weekend with my boyfriend. Meanwhile, in the back of my mind, I considered two of the greatest philosophical questions that have hounded me ever since I managed to have semi coherent thoughts: self identity and the elusiveness of present.

Until recently, I had always described myself as a loner, misfit, who doesn't belong. A hundred other little characteristics derived from the ones mentioned completed the list of who I thought I was. I still don't belong, really, but being in a loving relationship and the little things that happen as a result have forced me to erase, reshape and second guess this very question of identity. I don't believe I have changed in the friend department, I am very comfortable with the kind of friendship I dole out. It is in the romance, sex and related business department that I have discovered a new me, who I am very comfortable with and doesn't match with the one I was before. It is very puzzling and surprisingly funny that the two merged and shifted so seamlessly.

Now, the elusiveness of present continues to piss me off. The only things that seem more permanent are family and sucky jobs. The rest, the fun times, that special quality time you spend with your boyfriend, those trips to visit your friends, the best vacations of your life, all seem too fleeting. Like Stephen King's "The Langoliers" all that remains is a discoloured past, that faint memory of a smell, the retelling of an inside joke that makes you a little homesick for the company of your best friend. There is no present, just the nostalgia of the past and uncertainty of what the future may bring. Sometimes wished life came with a remote control. But hey, dontch'all worry, I am really too happy to let this get me down.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Death of a Playwright

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Last night was the Duran Duran concert. It was absolutely great. I had never seen them live, even though they had already come three times to PR and I have been a Durannie since 1983. I believe it was all for the better because my friend Jesus had seen them every time before and says this was their best show. This revamped version of the original Fab Five has grown up and knows how to please the crowd.

Life has been very good this year. Every day that passes I am more grateful for the boyfriend the fates have blessed me with. I feel lucky, and the order form was correctly fulfilled at the boyfriends' factory (he willingly went to the concert and knew the lyrics!). I have lived many things this last month, all of them good. It is a calm happiness, with no lurking dark thoughts and insecurities. This is definitely it. The best way to capture how I feel occurred to me at the Duran Duran concert. In a nutshell: it felt like the happy ending of a movie that started in the early eighties and ended yesterday - my teenage years favorite band, Duran Duran, reunited, while I held hands with my truly loved and loving boyfriend, while we all sung the lyrics to "Save a Prayer".

This weekend we start the sequel.